A spacious gym equipped with the world-famous American Life Fitness new generation exercise equipment. The gym, which occupies an area of about 1000 square meters, is equipped with more than 30 cardio machines, including treadmills, steppers, ellipses, bicycles, etc.
*Free weight belt equipped with famous American Hammer Strength sports equipment, where there are 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 և 25 kg discs; special platform for lifting and dropping weights; 2 to 60 kg gantels with 2 kg step; exclusive Crossover octagon; Olympic weights.
*Synergy 360 functional և strength training zone, where more than 20 people can train at the same time.
*Lady Zone section, designed especially for comfortable classes for women.
The members of the club have the opportunity of free consultation և one free training.
A special area for women, equipped with many exercise equipment designed to effectively train any muscle group in the body.